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Eng. sanit. ambient ; 26(2): 283-290, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249761


RESUMO O sulfato de alumínio (SA) é amplamente utilizado como coagulante no tratamento de água de abastecimento via ciclo completo. Coagulantes alternativos estão disponíveis no mercado, dentre eles o cloreto de polialumínio (PAC). Porém, estudos comparativos entre o SA e os PACs de alta (PAC-AB) e baixa (PAC-BB) basicidade em relação à cinética de floculação ainda são escassos. Nesse sentido, o intuito deste trabalho foi comparar o uso de PAC-BB, PAC-AB e SA via coagulação, floculação e sedimentação, bem como avaliar o efeito na condutividade elétrica, na formação de lodo, na alcalinidade, no pH e na remoção de turbidez baseado na cinética de floculação e morfologia do floco formado. Os resultados indicaram aumento de 8,1% na condutividade elétrica e de 30,6 mg.L-1 na formação de lodo; não houve diferença significativa entre os coagulantes. O PAC-AB apresentou menor consumo de alcalinidade e, consequentemente, menor redução no pH. A remoção de turbidez foi estatisticamente igual entre o PAC-BB (91,8 ± 3,7%) e o PAC-AB (91,5 ± 1,1%), porém maior que no SA (82,2 ± 6,4%). Essa diferença se acentua com o aumento da velocidade crítica de sedimentação. A constante de agregação dos flocos (K A ) apresenta resultados estatisticamente iguais entre os coagulantes, e o melhor desempenho de remoção de turbidez dos PACs em relação ao SA se deve à menor constante de ruptura do floco (K B ), podendo-se inferir, portanto, que os flocos formados com o PAC-AB e o PAC-BB são mais fortes que os formados com o SA.

ABSTRACT Aluminum sulfate (AS) is widely used as a coagulant in conventional drinking water treatment facilities. Alternative coagulants are commercially available, including polyaluminium chloride (PAC). However, comparative studies between AS and PAC with high (PAC-AB) and low (PAC-BB) basicity regarding flocculation kinetics are still scarce. In this sense, the aim of this work is to compare the use of PAC-BB, PAC-AB, and AS via coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation as well as to evaluate the effect on electrical conductivity, sludge formation, alkalinity, pH, and turbidity removal based on flocculation kinetic and floc morphology. The results indicated that the increase in electrical conductivity was 8.1% and the sludge formation was 30.6 mg.L-1, and that there was no significant difference between coagulants. PAC-AB presented the lowest alkalinity consumption and, consequently, the lowest pH reduction. Turbidity removal was statistically equal between PAC-BB (91.8 ± 3.7%) and PAC-AB (91.5 ± 1.1%), but higher than in AS (82.2 ± 6.4%). This difference is accentuated with the increase in critical settling velocity. The floc aggregation constant (K A ) is statistically equal among the coagulants, and the better turbidity removal performance of the PACs in relation to the AS is due to the lower floc breaking constant (K B ) and may, therefore, infer that the flocs formed with PAC-AB and PAC-BB are stronger than those formed with SA.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4373-4381, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921513


Lager yeast is the most popular yeast strain used for beer production in China. The flocculation of yeast plays an important role in cell separation at the end of fermentation. Therefore, appropriately enhancing the flocculation capability of the lager yeast without affecting its fermentation performance would be desirable for beer industry. Our previous study showed that the defect of gene RIM21 might contribute to the enhanced flocculation capability of a lager yeast G03. To further investigate the role of the RIM21 gene in flocculation of strain G03, this study constructed a RIM21-deleted mutant strain G03-RIM21Δ through homologous recombination. Deletion of RIM21 improved the flocculation capability of strain G03 during wort fermentation at 11 °C without changing its fermentation performance significantly. The expression of FLO5, Lg-FLO1 and some other genes involved in cell wall integrity pathway were up-regulated in strain G03-RIM21Δ. In addition, the disruption of RIM21 enhanced resistance of yeast cells to cell wall inhibitors. These results provide a basis for elucidating the flocculation mechanism of lager yeast under low-temperature fermentation conditions.

Beer , Fermentation , Flocculation , Receptors, Cell Surface , Saccharomyces/metabolism , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolism , Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins/metabolism
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 25(4): 567-572, jul.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133806


RESUMO Os processos de formação, crescimento, ruptura e rearranjo dos flocos que ocorrem durante a coagulação/floculação influenciam, significativamente, a eficiência da remoção dos agregados no tratamento de água. Por isso, é importante estudar as propriedades dos flocos, que são alteradas continuamente durante a floculação e podem interferir na subsequente remoção das partículas. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a eficiência de remoção de turbidez por meio da sedimentação e da flotação por ar dissolvido (FAD), com o uso de aluminato de sódio como agente coagulante. Adicionalmente, a etapa de floculação foi monitorada usando imagens obtidas por método não intrusivo. A FAD proporcionou melhor resultado de remoção de turbidez, de 93%, mostrando robustez como etapa no processo de tratamento de água. Na etapa de floculação, o tamanho dos flocos variou de 0,03 a 0,53 mm, com maior concentração de partículas nas menores classes de tamanho monitoradas. O estudo da dimensão fractal mostrou que o aumento da intensidade da mistura acentuou a ruptura (Dmédio de 0,2 mm para 20 s-1 para Dmédio de 0,1 mm para 40 s-1) nos flocos, promovendo o surgimento de flocos menos compactos. A FAD se mostrou menos sensível às variações de tamanho dos agregados quando comparada à sedimentação.

ABSTRACT The processes of formation, growth, rupture, and rearrangement of flocs, which occur during coagulation/flocculation, significantly influence the removal efficiency of the aggregates in water treatment. Therefore, it is important to study the flocs properties because they change continuously during the process and may interfere in the choice of later step for removal of the particles. This article evaluated the efficiency of turbidity removal in sedimentation and dissolved air flotation (DAF) with the use of sodium aluminate as a coagulant. In addition, the flocculation step was monitored through digital images, by non-intrusive method, to study the morphological properties of flocs. The DAF step provided better removal results (greater than 93%) in less process time, showing to be an advantageous step in turbid water treatment. In the flocculation step, the size of the flocs varied from 0.03 to 0.53 mm, with a higher particle concentration in the smaller size classes. The study of the fractal dimension showed that the increase in the intensity of the mixture accentuated the rupture (Dmean of 0.2 mm for 20s for Dmean of 0.1 mm for 40s-1) in the flocs, promoting the appearance of less compact flocs. DAF was less sensitive to variations in aggregate size when compared to sedimentation.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 25(3): 501-507, maio-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133789


RESUMO Neste artigo, empregou-se um equipamento de monitoramento contínuo da floculação (EMCF) para melhor compreensão da coagulação e da floculação no tratamento de águas sintéticas sob diferentes mecanismos de coagulação, em escala de bancada. A água de estudo utilizada nos ensaios foi preparada em laboratório com a adição de uma solução de caulinita em água. Como agente coagulante foi utilizado sulfato de alumínio (SA) líquido, isento de ferro. A resposta do sinal com o tempo mostra três regiões distintas: uma região de crescimento, uma região de patamar e uma região de decaimento. Ao longo do presente trabalho, constatou-se que o índice de floculação (IF) se mostrou adequado para otimizar a floculação tanto pela seleção do pH quanto pela dosagem do coagulante. O pH e as dosagens ótimas, obtidos por meio do ensaio de jarros, estiveram relacionados às maiores variações de IF. O IF médio ( IF ) mostrou-se adequado para antecipar a dosagem ótima a partir de 3 minutos de floculação, e a inclinação da reta de melhor ajuste mostrou-se adequada para estimar a cinética da floculação.

ABSTRACT In this article, a continuous flocculation-monitoring equipment (CFME) was employed to better understand coagulation and flocculation in the treatment of synthetic water under different coagulation mechanisms, on a bench scale. The study water used in the tests was prepared in the laboratory with the addition of a solution of kaolinite in water. Liquid aluminum sulfate, free from iron, was used as a coagulant agent. The flocculation index (FI) measured over time was able to identify the regions of floc growth, plateau and decay. FI was found to be an adequate parameter for optimizing flocculation pH and coagulant dosage. Optimum pH and dosage, obtained in jar tests, were related to the largest variations in FI. The mean FI was found to be adequate for predicting optimum coagulant dosage in the first three minutes after flocculation, whereas the slope of the best-fit FI line was found to be suited for predicting flocculation kinetics.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 25(1): 1-9, jan.-fev. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090127


RESUMO Neste artigo, buscou-se avaliar a sensibilidade da função contínua de distribuição de tamanho de partículas (DTP) diante da modificação decorrente da floculação. Para tal, foram investigadas seis configurações discretas, subdivididas em 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 e 15 classes de tamanho. As configurações investigadas diferem na frequência de partículas presentes por faixa de tamanho e no comportamento, sendo este monotônico ou unimodal. O ajuste da função contínua na forma linearizada aos dados discretos foi avaliado por meio do coeficiente de determinação (R2). O coeficiente de potência da função (β) e o centro de massa (C.M) da distribuição foram tomados como representativos da DTP para a análise de sensibilidade, realizada por meio do estudo da correlação múltipla entre as variáveis. Experimentos em escala de bancada foram conduzidos visando a avaliar a simulação. Os resultados demonstraram que os parâmetros β e C.M foram sensíveis às variações da DTP, todavia os ajustes das funções para distribuições unimodais carecem de aprimoramento.

ABSTRACT In this paper, the sensitivity of the continuous particle size distribution function (PSD) was evaluated, as flocculation occurs. To this end, six discrete configurations were investigated, subdivided into 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 15 classes. The distribution studied here differ in the particles presented by size range and behavior, whether monotonic or unimodal. The adjustment of the continuous function in linearized form to the discrete data was evaluated by means of R2. The power law coefficient (β) and the center of mass (C.M) were taken as representative of PSD during the sensitivity analysis, which was carried out by means of multiple correlation between the variables. Batch essays were performed in order to evaluate simulations. Results showed that β and C.M were both sensitive to PSD variations; however, the function adjustments for unimodal distributions need improvement.

Orinoquia ; 23(2): 36-46, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115038


Resumen Los efluentes provenientes del sacrificio de cerdos son una fuente de contaminación debido a las altas concentraciones de materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fósforo, grasas, sólidos totales y coliformes fecales. En esta investigación se evaluó la efectividad del quitosano como coagulante en el postratamiento de efluentes porcícolas provenientes de un reactor discontinuo secuencial, con el fin de remover las fracciones no biodegradables remanentes del proceso biológico. El tratamiento terciario consistió en la coagulación, floculación y sedimentación. Se caracterizó el efluente tratado biológicamente mediante los siguientes parámetros: pH, DQO, turbidez, color, sólidos totales (ST), nitrógeno total Kjeldahl (NTK), nitrito, nitrato, fosforo total (PT) y alcalinidad total (AT). El tratamiento fisicoquímico se llevó a cabo mediante el uso de la prueba de Jarra a través de corridas exploratorias con dosis entre 50 y 800 mg/L de quitosano disuelto en ácido acético. Se comparó la efectividad del quitosano (700 mg/l) con sulfato de aluminio (430mg/l) y poliacrilamida (90 mg/l), los cuales son utilizados como coagulantes de uso convencional en el tratamiento de aguas residuales. El experimento se condujo mediante un diseño completamente al azar con un total de tres tratamientos (quitosano, sulfato de aluminio y poliacrilamida) y tres repeticiones cada uno. La dosis de quitosano (700 mg/l) permitió obtener porcentajes de reducción de turbidez de 83,1%, color de 64,7%, DQO de 84,6%, y 78,2% de NT para valores iniciales de 15,6 NTU, 26 UC Pt-Co, 865 mg DQO/L y 89 mg NT/L. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (P≤0,05) entre la dosis quitosano (700 mg/l) y los coagulantes convencionales (430 mg/l de sulfato de aluminio y 90 mg/l de poliacrilamida) en la reducción de NT, siendo el tratamiento con quitosano el coagulante con las mayores eficiencias de reducción. El tratamiento con quitosano con una dosis de 700 mg/l representó una opción viable para el tratamiento terciario de los efluentes proveniente del proceso de sacrificio de cerdos tratados biológicamente.

Abstract Effluents from pig slaughter are a source of contamination due to high concentrations of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, fats, total solids and fecal coliforms. This research evaluated the effectiveness of chitosan as a coagulant in the post-treatment of wastewater from the slaughter of pigs, in order to remove the remaining recalcitrant fractions from the biological process in a sequential batch reactor. The tertiary treatment consisted of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation. The effluent was characterized by the parameters: pH, COD, turbidity, color, total solids (ST), Kjeldahl total nitrogen (NTK), nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus (PT) and total alkalinity (AT). The treatment was carried out by using the jar test through exploratory runs with doses between 50 and 800 mg/L of chitosan dissolved in acetic acid. The effectiveness of chitosan with conventional coagulants in the treatment of wastewater, such as aluminum sulphate and polyacrylamide, was compared. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design with a total of three treatments and three replicates each. The evaluated range of doses of chitosan allowed to obtain percentages of turbidity removal of 83,1%, color of 64,7%, COD of 84,6%, and 78,2% NT for initial values ​​of 15,6 NTU, 26 UC, 865 mg COD/L and 89 mg NT/L, using as optimal dose 700 mg chitosan /L. Significant differences (P≤0,05) were found between chitosan and conventional coagulants in NT removal, with chitosan being the coagulant with the highest removal efficiencies. The treatment with chitosan represents a viable option for the tertiary treatment of the effluents coming from the slaughter of pigs.

Resumo Efluentes de abate de suínos são uma fonte de contaminação devido às elevadas concentrações de matéria orgânica, azoto, fósforo, gordura, sólidos totais e coliformes fecais. Nesta pesquisa foi avaliada a eficácia de quitosana como um coagulante nos efluentes porcícolas de pós-tratamento, a fim de remover restantes fracções recalcitrantes de um processo biológico em um reactor de carregamento sequencial. O tratamento terciário consistiu em coagulação, floculação e sedimentação. O efluente tratado foi caracterizado biologicamente pelos parâmetros: pH, DQO, turbidez, cor, sólidos totais (ST), nitrogênio total Kjeldahl (NTK), nitrito, nitrato, fósforo total (PT) e alcalinidade total (AT). O tratamento foi realizado usando jarro teste é executado através exploratórios com doses entre 50 e 1250 mg / L de quitosano dissolvido em ácido acético. A eficácia do quitosano com sulfato de alumínio y poliacrilamida foi comparada. O experimento foi conduzido usando um desenho completamente aleatório com um total de três tratamentos e três repetições. A gama de dose de quitosana avaliada produziu percentagens de remoção de turvação de 83,1% cor 64,7% de CQO de 84,6%, e 78,2% de NT para os valores iniciais de 15,6 NTU, 26 UC Pt-Co, 865 mg CQO / L e 89 mg de NT / L, usando dose óptima de 700 mg de quitosana/L. Diferenças significativas (P≤0,05) entre quitosano e coagulantes convencionais na remoção de NT foram encontrados para ser um tratamento com o coagulante quitosano com as eficiências mais altas de remoção. O tratamento com quitosana representa uma opção viável para o tratamento terciário do efluente opção abate de porco.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 42: 1-5, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087340


Background: Fermentation strategies for bioethanol production that use flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast need to account for the mechanism by which inhibitory compounds, generated in the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials, are tolerated and detoxified by a yeast floc. Results: Diffusion coefficients and first-order kinetic bioconversion rate coefficients were measured for three fermentation inhibitory compounds (furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural, and vanillin) in self-aggregated flocs of S. cerevisiae NRRL Y-265. Thièle-type moduli and internal effectiveness factors were obtained by simulating a simple steady-state spherical floc model. Conclusions: The obtained values for the Thiéle moduli and internal effectiveness factors showed that the bioconversion rate of the inhibitory compounds is the dominant phenomenon over mass transfer inside the flocs.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolism , Biofuels , Yeasts , Benzaldehydes , Biodegradation, Environmental , Inactivation, Metabolic , Diffusion , Flocculation , Furaldehyde/analogs & derivatives
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(5): 975-981, set.-out. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056088


RESUMO O efluente gerado em um abatedouro de aves, contendo gordura (quantificada pela análise de Óleos e Graxas - O&G) na concentração de 1.100 mg.L-1, foi submetido a dois pré-tratamentos para redução da concentração de material orgânico particulado: um tratamento físico-químico convencional (coagulação/floculação com cloreto férrico) ou um tratamento enzimático alternativo (hidrólise enzimática), aplicados isoladamente antes do processo biológico para remoção de material orgânico dissolvido. A hidrólise foi realizada com 0,5% (m/v) de um preparado enzimático sólido (PES - contendo oito unidades de atividade lipásica por grama) produzido pelo fungo Penicillium sp. por 8 h a 30ºC. Diferentes condições foram avaliadas na coagulação/floculação, sendo selecionada a que apresentou melhor remoção de demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) total para alimentação de biorreatores aeróbios e anaeróbios de bancada: pH = 5,0 e 400 mg de FeCl3.6H2O.L-1. Melhores resultados foram alcançados ao se utilizar o pré-tratamento físico-químico, com remoções médias de DQO de 91% nos tratamentos aeróbio e anaeróbio.

ABSTRACT The effluent generated in a poultry slaughterhouse, containing fat (quantified by oil and grease - O&G analysis) at a concentration of 1,100 mg.L-1, was subjected to two pre-treatments to reduce the particulate organic matter concentration: a conventional physicochemical treatment (coagulation/flocculation with ferric chloride) or an alternative enzymatic treatment (enzymatic hydrolysis), applied alone prior to the biological process for removing dissolved organic material. Hydrolysis was performed with 0.5% (m/v) of a solid enzymatic preparation (SEP - containing 8 lipase activity units per gram) produced by the fungus Penicillium sp. for 8 h at 30ºC. Different conditions were evaluated in the coagulation/flocculation, and the one with the best total COD removal for feeding bench top aerobic and anaerobic bioreactors was selected: pH = 5.0 and 400 mg FeCl3.6H2O.L-1. Better results were achieved when using the physicochemical pre-treatment with average COD removals of 91% in aerobic and anaerobic treatments.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(4): 773-783, jul.-ago. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039775


RESUMO Estudos científicos têm demonstrado que os floculadores tubulares helicoidais (FTHs) têm alta eficiência na formação de flocos e baixo tempo de retenção hidráulica, quando comparados aos floculadores comumente usados em tratamento de água e esgoto. No entanto, sua aplicação prática é limitada, pois ainda existe demanda significativa por avanços na compreensão da relação entre a hidrodinâmica da unidade e o processo de floculação, bem como critérios e metodologias para auxiliar em projeto racionais de FTH. Nesse contexto, este estudo teve por objetivo propor um aperfeiçoamento no modelo de estimativa de eficiência de remoção de turbidez apresentado por Oliveira (2014), o qual leva em conta um conjunto de parâmetros geométricos, hidráulicos e hidrodinâmicos relevantes ao processo de floculação nesse tipo de reator, pela incorporação de um dos parâmetros mais representativos de processos de floculação, o gradiente de pressão normal (GPp), como uma de suas variáveis independentes. O desenvolvimento do trabalho empregou dinâmica dos fluidos computacional (CFD) no estudo de 84 configurações de FTH, contemplando regimes de escoamento laminar e turbulento. Como resultado, chegou-se a uma nova versão de modelo de estimativa da eficiência de remoção de turbidez da água que, em relação à versão original: tem menor número de variáveis independentes; apresenta melhor ajuste aos dados experimentais; e é mais simples do ponto de vista operacional.

ABSTRACT Scientific studies have been demonstrating that helical tubular flocculators (HTFs) have high efficiency in floc formation and low hydraulic retention time when compared to flocculators commonly used in water and wastewater treatment. However, its practical application is still limited because there is still a significant demand for advances in the understanding of the relationship between the hydrodynamics of the unit and the flocculation process, as well as for criteria and methodologies in support to the rational design of HTF. In this context, the objective of this study was to propose an improvement in the model of turbidity removal efficiency developed by Oliveira (2014), which takes into account a set of geometric, hydraulic and hydrodynamic parameters relevant to the flocculation process in this type of reactor, by incorporating one of the most representative parameters of flocculation processes, the normal pressure gradient, as one of its independent variables. The development of the work employs computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the study of 84 HTFs configurations, considering laminar and turbulent flow regimes. As a result, a new model version for estimating water turbidity removal's efficiency in helical tubular flocculators was obtained, which, in relation to the original version, has a smaller number of independent variables, presents better fit to the experimental data and is simpler from the operational point of view.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(2): 251-260, mar.-abr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012030


RESUMO O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar uma possível rota de reciclagem para as éter-aminas, utilizadas para aumentar a eficiência do processo de flotação catiônica reversa do minério de ferro. Estudou-se um método de separação físico-química utilizando TANFLOC como floculante. As águas de rejeito contêm, em sua maior parte, amina e sílica, e o objetivo desse método era separar a sílica do rejeito. A separação físico-química, porém, não foi eficaz, visto que o processo não foi capaz de flocular somente a sílica, floculando também parte da éter-amina. Foi avaliado também o processo de adsorção e, para tanto, utilizaram-se como materiais adsorventes a serragem Angelim e bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, ambos in natura. Esses materiais foram capazes de remover aproximadamente 95 e 90% de éter-amina, com capacidades adsortivas de 4,2 e 2,7 mg.g-1, respectivamente, utilizando massa de 1,5 g e estabelecendo tempo de equilíbrio de 30 minutos. Verificou-se que a eficiência de remoção é maior em pH próximo a 10. Pelos estudos termodinâmicos foi possível concluir, para a serragem, que o processo é termodinamicamente favorável e exotérmico. Para o bagaço de cana não foi possível analisar o comportamento termodinâmico. Além disso, o processo de dessorção permitiu recuperar em torno de 80% de éter-amina, além da possibilidade de regeneração e reutilização dos materiais adsorventes, o que mostra a viabilidade de reciclar a éter-amina pelo mecanismo de adsorção.

ABSTRACT The present work has the objective of investigating the possible recycling route for ether-amines, used for improving the efficiency of the process of iron ore's reverse flotation. A physical-chemical separation method has been studied using TANFLOC as flocculant. The wastewater contains, mainly, amine and silica, and the objective of this method was to separate the silica from the waste by flocculation. However, this method was not effective, as flocculation was not able to flocculate only silica, but also part of the ether-amine. Furthermore, the process of adsorption was assessed, and for this it was used as materials adsorbents Angelim's sawdust and sugar cane bagasse, both in natura, with which it was possible to remove approximately 95 and 90% of ether-amines, with adsorptive capacity of 4,2 and 2,7 mg.g-1, respectively, by using a mass of 1.5 g and a settling time of 30 minutes. It was verified that the removal efficiency is greater at a pH around 10. Thermodynamic studies were carried out and they were able to state, for sawdust, that this process is thermodynamically favorable and exothermic. In the case of sugar cane bagasse, it was not possible to analyze its thermodynamic behavior. In addition, the use of desorption revealed the possibility of regaining around 80% of the ether-amines. This proved that it is possible to recycle ether-amines by the adsorption mechanism.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 522-534, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771355


As a new beer fermentation technology, high temperature and high gravity fermentation has brought many benefits to brewery industry, but there are also a series of problems such as the decrease of yeast flocculation ability at the end of fermentation and the high concentration of higher alcohols. To increase yeast flocculation ability and reduce the production of higher alcohols in high temperature and high gravity fermentation of beer, BAT2 was replaced by the FLO5 expression cassette to obtain the mutant strain S6-BF2. Real-time quantitative PCR showed that the relative transcriptional level of FLO5 in S6-BF2 improved 17.8 times compared with that in S6. The flocculation ability of mutant S6-BF2 heightened by 63% compared to that of the original strain S6, and the concentration of higher alcohols decreased from 175.58 mg/L to 159.58 mg/L in high temperature and high gravity fermentation of beer. Moreover, the activity of mitochondrial branched-chain amino acid transferase was repressed, resulting in the production of higher alcohols of 142.13 mg/L, reduced by 18.4% compared to that of the original strain S6, meanwhile, the flocculation ability of mutant S6-BF2B1 kept unchanged compared to the mutant S6-BF2. The determination result of flavor compounds showed that the higher alcohols/ester ratio in beer was reasonable. This research has suggested an effective strategy for enhancing yeast flocculation ability and decreasing production of higher alcohols in high-temperature and high-gravity brewing.

Beer , Fermentation , Hypergravity , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins , Temperature , Transaminases
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology ; : 188-194, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780907


Aims@#Microalgae were very small in size (a few μm) and have a low concentration in the medium. Due to their size, harvesting of microalgae from their growth medium remain a major obstacle in downstream processing. Efficient harvesting method must be applied to ensure it is cost effective, preserves quality and improves the culture process which is important for commercial algal production. Common harvesting methods use to harvest microalgae from their growth medium are centrifugation, filtration, flotation, sedimentation, and flocculation. Flocculation is a common method use to harvest microalgae due to low cost, save time and highly efficient method for algae biomass recovery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects chitosan and eggshell on flocculation of microalga Spirulina platensis. Chitosan and eggshell were chosen as flocculant due to their biodegradability, non-toxicity and safe to handle. @*Methodology and results@#The efficiencies of flocculation process were examined by conducting experiments over a range of culture pH, flocculant concentrations and flocculation time using chitosan and eggshell as flocculant agent. Under optimized flocculation conditions of 50 mg/L chitosan at pH 8 culture media for 90 min of flocculation time and 4 mg/mL eggshell at pH 4 culture media for 8 min of flocculation time, the maximum flocculation efficiency obtained was 79.98±1.65% and 97.17±1.38%, respectively. @*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#Therefore, it can be concluded that chitosan and eggshell could be used as flocculants for harvesting large scale microalgal biomass production. Nevertheless, eggshell is more economical and more efficient compared to chitosan in harvesting microalgae biomass.

Mycobiology ; : 236-241, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-729775


The cation-dependent galactose-specific flocculation activity of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe null mutant of lkh1⁺, the gene encoding LAMMER kinase homolog, has previously been reported by our group. Here, we show that disruption of prk1⁺, another flocculation associated regulatory kinase encoding gene, also resulted in cation-dependent galactose-specific flocculation. Deletion of prk1 increased the flocculation phenotype of the lkh1⁺ null mutant and its overexpression reversed the flocculation of cells caused by lkh1 deletion. Transcript levels of prk1⁺ were also decreased by lkh1⁺ deletion. Cumulatively, these results indicate that Lkh1 is one of the negative regulators acting upstream of Prk1, regulating non-sexual flocculation in fission yeast.

Flocculation , Phenotype , Phosphotransferases , Schizosaccharomyces
Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(supl.1): 34-39, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974321


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the elution-concentration methodology based on skimmed milk flocculation from three varieties of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L. [globe], Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme [cherry] and hybrid cocktail [grape tomato]) for further monitoring of field samples. Spiking experiments were performed to determine the success rate and efficiency recovery of human norovirus (NoV) genogroup II, norovirus murine-1 (MNV-1) used as sample process control virus and human adenovirus (HAdV). Mean values of 18.8%, 2.8% and 44.0% were observed for NoV GII, MNV-1 and HAdV, respectively with differences according to the types of tomatoes, with lower efficiency for cherry tomatoes. Analysis of 90 samples, obtained at commercial establishments in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro State, revealed 4.5% positivity for HAdV. Bacterial analysis was also performed with no detection of Salmonella spp., L. monocytogenes and fecal coliforms. Data demonstrated that the skimmed milk flocculation method is suitable for recovering HAdV from tomatoes and highlights the need for considering investigation in order to improve food safety.

Animals , Cattle , Viruses/isolation & purification , Solanum lycopersicum/chemistry , Milk/chemistry , Food Microbiology/methods , Fruit/virology , Viruses/classification , Viruses/genetics , Solanum lycopersicum/classification , Solanum lycopersicum/virology , Flocculation , Food Microbiology/instrumentation , Fruit/classification , Fruit/chemistry
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469638


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the elution-concentration methodology based on skimmed milk flocculation from three varieties of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L. [globe], Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme [cherry] and hybrid cocktail [grape tomato]) for further monitoring of field samples. Spiking experiments were performed to determine the success rate and efficiency recovery of human norovirus (NoV) genogroup II, norovirus murine-1 (MNV-1) used as sample process control virus and human adenovirus (HAdV). Mean values of 18.8%, 2.8% and 44.0% were observed for NoV GII, MNV-1 and HAdV, respectively with differences according to the types of tomatoes, with lower efficiency for cherry tomatoes. Analysis of 90 samples, obtained at commercial establishments in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro State, revealed 4.5% positivity for HAdV. Bacterial analysis was also performed with no detection of Salmonella spp., L. monocytogenes and fecal coliforms. Data demonstrated that the skimmed milk flocculation method is suitable for recovering HAdV from tomatoes and highlights the need for considering investigation in order to improve food safety.

Orinoquia ; 21(1): 73-78, ene.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091521


Resumen Diferentes compuestos naturales extraídos de plantas se han usado para el tratamiento de aguas residuales por muchos siglos. Estos en su gran mayoría derivan de semillas, hojas, cortezas o savia, raíces y frutos de árboles y plantas. En este trabajo se evaluó la utilización del polvo de la semilla de la Cassia fístula como coagulante natural en el tratamiento primario de aguas residuales domésticas, estableciendo su dosis óptima mediante la prueba de jarras y determinando los parámetros fisicoquímicos de DBO5, DQO, conductividad, color, turbidez, alcalinidad total, y dureza total. Se utilizó como muestra de estudio agua residual doméstica tomada de una estación de bombeo de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Se encontró una dosis óptima del coagulante natural comprendida entre 15-25 mg/L, obteniendo valores finales de 30.25 NTU en la turbidez y 84 UC de color respectivamente. Los valores de pH y alcalinidad total no presentaron mayores variaciones. Los valores de los parámetros turbidez y color, al igual que el pH, alcalinidad total y dureza total se corresponden con los reportados por diferentes autores para este tipo de agua, lo cual demuestra que la C. fistula es un coagulante natural, prometedor y eficaz para la sustitución de coagulantes inorgánicos en el proceso de coagulación de aguas residuales.

Abstract Different natural compounds extracted from plants have been used for the treatment of wastewater for many centuries. These mostly derived from seeds, leaves, bark or sap, roots and fruits of trees and plants. In this paper the use of seed powder Cassia fistula as a natural coagulant was studied. Establishing optimum dose by jar testing and determining the parameters of DBO5, DQO, conductivity, color, turbidity, total alkalinity and total hardness; using wastewater pumping station of the city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Natural optimal coagulant dose between 15-25 mg/L is found. Obtaining final values of 30.25 NTU turbidity and 84 color UC´s respectively. The values of pH and total alkalinity no major variations. The values of the turbidity and color parameters like pH, total alkalinity and total hardness corresponding with those reported by different authors, which shows that C. fistula is a natural, promising and effective coagulant for the substitution of inorganic coagulants in the process of coagulation of wastewater.

Resumo Diferentes compostos naturais extraídos de plantas foram utilizados para o tratamento de águas residuais durante muitos séculos. Estes em sua grande maioria derivam de sementes, folhas, cascas ou seiva, raízes e frutos de árvores e plantas. Neste documento, a utilização de pó de sementes de Cassia fístula como um coagulante natural no tratamento primário de águas residuais domésticas foi avaliada estabelecendo a dose óptima mediante o teste de frasco determinando os parâmetros físico-químicos de CBO5, DQO, condutividade, cor, turbidez, alcalinidade total e dureza total. Foi utilizada como amostra de estudo água residual doméstica retirada de uma estação de bombeamento na cidade de Cartagena de Índias (Colômbia. Foi encontrada uma dose ótima do coagulante natural compreendido entre 15-25 mg / L, obtendo valores finais de 30,25 NTU na turbidez e 84 UC de cor, respectivamente. O pH e a alcalinidade total não mostraram maiores variações. Os valores da turbidez e a cor, como o pH, alcalinidade total e dureza total de parâmetros correspondem aos relatados por outros autores para a água, o que mostra que a C. fístula é um coagulante natural, promissora e eficiente para a substituição de coagulantes inorgânicos no processo de floculação de águas residuais.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 60: e17160174, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-839074


ABSTRACT Harvesting is a critical step in microalgal biomass production process for many reasons. Among the existing techniques available for harvesting and dewatering microalgal biomass, recovery from aqueous medium by coagulation-flocculation has been the most economically viable process, althoughit is highly dependent on pH. This study aims to assess alternative coagulants compared to the standard coagulant aluminum sulfate for microalgal biomass recovery from anaerobic effluent of domestic sewage treatment. The effluent quality was also analyzed after biomass recovery. Coagulants represented by modified tannin, cationic starch and aluminum sulfate recovered more than 90% of algae biomass, at concentrations greater than 80 mg/L, in the pH range 7-10. Cationic starch promoted higher microalgal biomass recovery with a wider pH range. Powdered seeds of Moringa oleifera and Hibiscus esculentus(okra) gum promoted biomass removal of 50%, only in the acidic range of pH. After sedimentation of the microalgal biomass, the effluents showed a removal of >80% for phosphorus and nitrogen values and >50% for BOD and COD when using aluminum sulfate, cationic starch and modified tannin as coagulants. Natural organic coagulants in a wide pH range can replace aluminum sulfate, a reference coagulant in microalgal biomass recovery, without decreasing microalgal biomass harvesting efficiency and the quality of the final effluent.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 21(4): 817-824, out.-dez. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-828746


RESUMO: Este artigo apresenta algumas considerações sobre a floculação a partir da análise clássica e da avaliação direta da distribuição de tamanho de partículas. Para tal, foram realizados experimentos em escala de bancada. Os resultados foram avaliados à luz da abordagem clássica, dada pelo adimensional número de Camp (GT) e pela cinética de agregação e ruptura, e da distribuição de tamanhos de partículas. Verificou-se que o emprego isolado do produto GT não é adequado para representar as variações de desempenho na floculação e que o modelo clássico de agregação e ruptura pode ser influenciado pela medida indireta de turbidez, bem como pelo uso da sedimentação como etapa intermediária. Por outro lado, a avaliação direta de desempenho por meio da distribuição de tamanhos de partículas, representada pela função contínua linearizada, pode constituir ferramenta promissora na avaliação dedicada da floculação.

ABSTRACT: This article presents some considerations on the flocculation from the classical analysis and direct evaluation of the particle size distribution. For this purpose, essays in bench scale were performed. The results were evaluated in the light of classical approach, given by the dimensionless number Camp (GT) and the kinetics of aggregation and breakage, as well as particle size distribution. It has been found that the use of GT isolated product is not suitable to represent the variations in flocculation performance and the classical model of aggregation and break-up can be biased by an indirect measurement of turbidity and sedimentation as an intermediate step. On the other hand, the direct evaluation of performance by particle size distribution, represented by linear continuous function, can be a promising tool for the evaluation of flocculation.

International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (6): 247-249, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-488292


Objective To study the technology of flocculation of water-extraction solution in Lonicerae Japonicae Flos by uniform design method.Methods The liquid concentration ratio, chitosan dosage, temperature and pH were studied with the ratio of the precipitation and the rate of the transformation of valid target as index.Results The optimal flocculation process was: dosage of chitosan was 0.14%, pH was 6, the concentration of the solution was 1:3 and the temperature was 30℃.Conclusions The effect of purification is good, and the flocculation process can replace the traditional precipitation process.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 20(3): 513-523, jul.-set. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-765021


RESUMOO presente artigo apresenta resultados de pesquisa que teve por objetivo a investigação da influência do tamanho de partículas floculadas na eficiência da clarificação de águas para abastecimento por flotação por ar dissolvido (FAD) com o emprego de método e equipamento para a aquisição e análise de imagens especialmente desenvolvidos para a caracterização da distribuição de tamanho de flocos e microbolhas de ar presentes no processo de flotação. Os ensaios foram realizados com água sintética (temperatura de 26,0±0,5oC; turbidez de 7,5±0,2 NTU; cor aparente de 38±1 uC; alcalinidade de 29,8±0,6 mgCaCO3.L-1; condutividade de 59,3±0,8 µ; UV254nm de 0,128±0,004cm-1), a qual foi coagulada com a aplicação de 1,9 mg.L-1 de Al3+ (pH de 6,6±0,05; 22,5 mg.L-1alum). Os resultados alcançados demonstraram que: i) a distribuição de tamanho de partículas floculadas influenciou diretamente a clarificação por flotação da água em estudo, sendo que as melhores condições de floculação foram aquelas que conduziram à formação, em sua maioria, de partículas floculadas com diâmetro médio de Feret acima de 300 µm; ii) os menores valores residuais dos parâmetros analisados na água em estudo foram alcançados com o emprego da Condição 2 de floculação (T=17 min/G=60 s-1) associada a uma concentração em massa de ar (Cb) de 4,8 mg.L-1, entretanto, a FAD foi capaz de operar também com boa eficiência com a utilização de tempo de floculação (T) de 10 minutos; iii) o método e o equipamento desenvolvidos nesta pesquisa para aquisição e análise de imagens demonstraram constituir importantes ferramentas para a obtenção das distribuições de tamanho de flocos e microbolhas de ar.

ABSTRACTThis paper shows the results of a research that aimed to investigate the influence of flocculated particles size on the dissolved air flotation (DAF) efficiency. Special image acquisition method and equipment were developed to characterize the flocculated particles and air microbubbles size distribution in the contact zone outlet of the DAF unit. The trials were carried out with synthetic water (temperature of 26.0±0.5oC; turbidity of 7.5±0.2 NTU; apparent color of 38±1 uC; alkalinity of 29.8±0.6 mgCaCO3.L-1; conductivity of 59.3±0.8 µ; UV254nm of 0.128±0.004 cm-1), that it was coagulated by applying 1.9 mg.L-1 of Al3+ (pH 6.6±0.05; 22.5 mg.L-1alum). The results showed that: i) the flocculation conditions interfered directly on the efficiency of DAF process, and the best flocculation conditions were those that conducted to formation of flocculated particles size with Feret mean diameter above 300 µm; ii) the best results were obtained applying Condition 2 of flocculation (T=17 min/G=60 s-1) combined to air mass concentration of 4.8 mg.­L-1, however, DAF was also capable of operating with a satisfactory efficiency when applying flocculation time of 10 minutes; iii) the special image acquisition method and equipment developed proved to be an important tool to characterize the flocculated particles and air microbubbles size distribution.